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Record-low 30-year Treasury rates make borrowing attractive, even to a company sitting on a $200 billion stockpile of cash.
Issuance signifies trend in which U.S. companies are leading euro-denominated bond sales among companies outside the financial services sector.
This week's debt-offering frenzy defies markets' expected reaction to trade uncertainty.
“Project Mars” will develop an electronic system for investors to request allocations of new debt.
The list of nonfinancial companies with the largest debt load is dominated by the tech sector.
Companies are expected to focus on paying down debt in 2019, with the goal of boosting stock prices.
XPO Logistics is issuing $1 billion of bonds to refinance debt and fund additional buybacks.
Higher risk premiums have been suppressing sales of corporate bonds for several weeks.
Loan will enable the company to purchase Celgene Corp. in the largest ever pharmaceutical-company acquisition.
Acquisition announced Sunday will be second-largest tech deal ever. Ratings agencies are already evaluating the impact on IBM's debt load.