Manufacturing has recently showed signs of stabilizing, but producers face headwinds including a stronger dollar that dampens foreign demand for U.S. exports.
Numerous trade attorneys say that any legal challenge to the tariffs will run up against courts that have proven to be very deferential to presidential trade authority.
This emerging trend demonstrates forfeiture cases are no longer nuisance lawsuits. Top law firm Schlichter Bogard, which has been representing many plaintiffs in recent 401(k) excessive fee lawsuits, is representing the telecommunications company’s plaintiffs.
Inflation tends to come in higher in January. Still, today’s BLS report indicates that inflation progress has stalled and may be in danger of being reversed.
The lawsuit, like many 401(k) lawsuits filed by employees over the past year, challenged HP’s decision to use “forfeitures” to reduce employer contributions rather than to pay administrative costs.
About 70% of the 401(k) plan—nearly $2 billion—was invested in one fund, when “much cheaper” versions of this investment were available, allege employees in the class-action lawsuit.
With FedNow, Real-Time Payments, Same-Day ACH, and other emerging products and services, treasurers should be evaluating a range of options for speeding up—and streamlining—payments.